Moringa kit

The Deluxe Moringa Propagation kit comes with a hard plastic seed greenhouse 38 cm x 24cm and 18 cm high. The bottom of the tray is waterproof and the top has vents that can be opened or closed. There are 2 packs of PKM1 seeds that come with the pack. There are 10g or approximately 25 in each pack. Included in the pack is 24 bio gradable cardboard seed pots so there is no need to remove the seedlings from the pot. Just plant the pot and plant combined. A propagation thermometer is also included. Moringa seeds need a temperature of above 24 degrees to germinate. The thermometer will help you optimize the temperature of your germinating seeds. A moisture meter is essential if you are going to grow your Moringa Oleifera in pots. Quite often a pot will be dry on the top and soaking wet on the bottom. The included Moisture Meter will make sure that your Moringa is not too wet. Moringa likes to be on the drier side. 2 bags of Moringa fertiliser mixed with blood and bone are also included.

Seeds can't be sent to Tasmania. Western Australian customers please be aware that if the Western Australian Agricultural department intercept the parcel and inspect the parcel they may charge you a fee of $57.00 before they will give you your seeds. This fee may or may not apply and it is the responsibility of the customer to pay this.
